ShoShoShow captures the objects and energies of artists on the City Lit Sculpture Course at a two year point.

Throughout this two year period the students have committed themselves to developing their individual practice of sculpture as a continuous dialogue with contemporary life through the history, language and making of objects.

Keeping the question of what is sculpture at the forefront of a vibrant workshop community these artists evolve an ever expanding fieldwork, pushing the bounds of fundamental human relationships with object making, space and being. Materials commonplace and hallowed are reformed, space captured, activated, delineated and set free, objects mass, hide, separate, interact and breed, our lives inner, outer, personal and political are expressed, perhaps concealed, mirrored, but we are all invited and provoked to participate, flee, laugh and reflect as we thread our way through a laboratory of 'thing'.

 ShoShoShow a labyrinth of idea, object and event presents a vital investigative journey by a group of sculptors for whom the definition of sculpture is never closed.

>> Article about The Crypt Gallery and ShoShoShow